WP 3 – Development of training content to increase…

WP3 – Development of training content to increase capacity in internationalization The WP will create a series of short courses
WP 3 – Development of training content to increase…

WP3 – Development of training content to increase capacity in internationalization

The WP will create a series of short courses helping staff at Partner Country institutions to become members of the network of experts. The training content will focus on skills necessary for knowledge sharing, training and capacity building. The WP will also assist training experts to prepare short training opportunities for delivering knowledge to others. An important part of the WP is creating guidelines for putting together Request for Knowledge (RfK) documents submitted to the network of experts asking for knowledge transfer short courses.

WP3 Leader: Middlesex University


3.1 Developing training content (DRAFT)

3.2 Preparing short training opportunities (DRAFT)

3.3 Creating guidelines for Request for Knowledge (RfK) documentation (DRAFT)


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