WP1 – Gap analysis and existing knowledge capital analysis
1.1 Analysis of Knowledge Capital in partner countries
1.2 Needs analysis
1.3 Internationalization Priority Areas
WP 2 – Suggestion of a coordination model for use of existing resources based on a knowledge capital repository
2.1 Knowledge repository
2.2 Network of knowledge experts
2.3 Bridging model to align knowledge cases to knowledge gaps
WP3 – Development of training content to increase capacity in internationalization1
3.1 Training content (draft)
3.2 Short training opportunities (draft)
3.3 Guidelines for Request for Knowledge (RfK) documentation
WP4 – Organisation of training and re-training
4.1 Training key staff members (draft)
4.2 Training pilots (draft)
4.3 Re-training (draft)
4.4 Training toolkit
WP5 – E-learning platform and tools for delivery, support and exchange of existing and new knowledge capital
5.1 Moodle structures for the delivery of e-learning
5.2 Support of the introduction of materials
5.3 Monitor the translation of key documentation
5.4 Monitor the use of the platform during training and re-training.
WP6 – Sustainability
6.1 Elaboration and dissemination of the methodology for the sustainability strategy
6.2 Sustainability plan for training and re-training courses and Moodle platform
6.3 Sustainability plan for Train-to-Trainers workshop
6.4 Sustainability plan for network of knowledge experts
6.5 Sustainability interim reporting
6.6 Sustainability final reporting
WP7 – Quality Assurance
7.1 Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) and tools
7.2 QA Annual Reports 1
7.3 QA Annual report 2
7.3 Final QA report
7.4 External evaluation
WP8 – Dissemination and exploitation activities of project results and achievements
8.1 Project Website
8.2 Dissemination and Exploitation Strategy
8.3 Two papers on project activities and results
8.4 Four dissemination events
8.5 Final International Project Conference in Tirana
8.6 Financial and Institutional Sustainability Strategic Plan
8.7 Sustainable cooperation with labor market
8.8 Partner network
WP 9 – Project Management
9.1 Kick-off meeting
9.2 Project team meetings
9.3 First annual report on project activities
9.4 Second annual reports on project activities
9.5 Third annual reports on project activities