WP 2 – Suggestion of a coordination model for use of…

WP 2 – Suggestion of a coordination model for use of existing resources based on a knowledge capital repository The
WP 2 – Suggestion of a coordination model for use of…

WP 2 – Suggestion of a coordination model for use of existing resources based on a knowledge capital repository

The aim of the WP is to create a coordination model that will help to exploit the knowledge capital of all partner institution in an effective way. The WP leader will need to establish a method that will help to identify knowledge capital cases and associated uses that can bring clear benefits to other institutions of the consortium. The consortium must also ensure that a network of expertise will be created with detailed profiles including individual skill sets and possible contributions that can benefit the project. The WP leader will need to manage the consortium in reaching an agreed approach in bridging experts and existing resources from the knowledge capital repository and identified knowledge gaps.

WP2 Leader: University of Cagliari


2.1 Creating a knowledge repository

2.2 Creating a network of knowledge experts

2.3 Introducing a bridging model to align knowledge cases to knowledge gaps


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